Well a few days in the Czech Republic Neils & Danielas wedding in Kromeriz (can't do the accents), really enjoyable nice place and delighted i went. Went via Brataslava, and got mistaken for a German in a restaurant for some reason.
Kromeriz was lovely, a place I would otherwise never have visited I suppose. One thing i really like holidaying in Europe is travelling by train, I went to Prague on a bit of an journey, via Hulin and Olomouc, then the mainline to Prague.
Prague is lovely ok parts are a bit sleazy but I liked the Architecture and History, the castle the jewish quarter, the bridges the river. Alas got mistaken for an american or english person which kinda annoyed me. Watched the intercontinental cup with a few jewish americans, nice guys but I had to explain offside, and "No the game is not divided into quarters!"

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