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Well after being asked to go skiing by my chess team colleague for manys a year Mick, it seemed to suit me and I enlisted to go to Oberjoch, in Germany for some skiing, staying in Bad Hindleberg. A little different from my previous ventures skiing, as part of the specker gang I got paired with Cove, and we grouped together with mick, terry and annamarie. The VIPs easily show you what a coward you are, but we manned up and did a good bit of off piste, only one dramatic fall by myself and i have bribed the person who took the photo not to show it...
The group was good craic and the organisers deserve a massive thanks for making the trip such good fun. Apologies for my guitar playing on two nights, I should really learn more songs, and not sing!
Oberjoch is a small resort, with 9 lifts, 3 double t-bars and 1 chair lift, great plans to put in some new chair lifts which would be great and to link it to the next valley. Oberjoch is on the border with austria with one of the runs on the austrian side where my phone kept beeping text messages. Bavaria is very like Austria, I find it hard to tell the difference. I like German food, which is funny, and Austria food, that grostl like thing i had was stupendous I also had 3 Currywursts through the week, it now seems i have a check list of ski cuisine, bratwurst, currywurst, appelstrudl, schnitzel and grostl.