Accommodation was ok, the pension/hotel set up with meals worked out well, werved by a herr gruber lookalike. Some excellent skiing on tuesday, wednesday morning and thursday, although crossing the top of the mountain on wednesday evening and friday made me regret leaving the balaclava at home... St. Paddys day we flew the flag like 2 ejeets but it was worth it, kitzbuel much more lively than kirchberg. Ivan ran close to getting a slapping for his backward skiing...Lots of super crazhey dutch people about there for some reason. Ski lifts were never a problem, except for one incident on the 1st day with high winds. The farmers plate meal, always undid any good the open air and exercise was doing. Friday doing the Hahnenkamm (or the bit of it they let you do) was another achievement, and the spill I had on it, I need to pay off the paparazzi for filming it...
Overall I think I preferred France for skiing, but Austria impressed me especially with their unforgettable europop...
Home in time for the Grand Slam!!! and Bernard Dunne Fight..